Welcome to Saint Alban's Anglican Church
Making disciples for Jesus Christ, one by one.
Making disciples for Jesus Christ, one by one.
We are a very friendly congregation and you will be warmly welcomed. Frogs don't take part in the worship service but you'll be as content as is our friend to the right. There are no reserved seats, so find a place that suits you and get situated. No one will embarrass you by asking you to stand and tell your name and profession.
As Anglican Christians, we worship using the fixed order of service (liturgy) from the Church of England’s Book of Common Prayer (1662). It is participatory rather than observatory. We stand to praise, kneel to pray, and sit to hear. You won’t hear any new theology whilst visiting because we are committed to guarding the biblical faith once delivered to the saints. We are not a religious social club, but we are very sociable.
You will find that we have a wide cross-section of Grand Cayman’s population represented in our services. Caymanian natives and expats from all over (people from: Jamaica, UK, Ireland, Canada, India, and the USA) make up the congregation.
If you’ve ever been part of a congregation with a lot of expats, you know that people learn to volunteer quickly and make fast and lasting friendships.
When it comes to music, we sing hymns congregationally from Hymns Ancient & Modern. If you attended an Anglican church or school in another country you will feel right at home.
You will find the sermons at St. Alban’s understandable, practical, and a faithful exegesis of the lessons for the day. At certain times of the year the lessons will be from those appointed from the lectionary and at other times you will find them taken sequentially from one book of the bible.
In short, the worship at St. Alban’s has an historically rooted connectedness because it is true. We worship the way that Anglicans have worshipped since the English Reformation. Our goal is to worship the Holy Trinity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost in the beauty of holiness.
In order to retain the Reformed and Protestant way of understanding God in the manner of the Church of England, Saint Alban's is a traditional, straightforward 1662 Book of Common Prayer parish. You won't find anything new with us but you will find a warm welcome and clear teaching in accordance with the Bible, the Creeds, and the 39 Articles of Religion.
We celebrate the Morning Prayer or the sacrament of Holy Communion with our Rector Bishop PJ Lawrence each week at our 09:30 service. We also celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confirmation and Matrimony.
Moving to a new location can sometimes make you feel as if everything is in the air. Saint Alban's is a good place for you to get your feet beneath you.
As a congregation of Anglican Christians adhering to the historical teachings of the Bible, the Creeds, The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, and the Book of Common Prayer, we are all about making disciples of Jesus Christ. It is our mission!
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